IRC Logs for #zfx


07:19:52 Schrompf joined the channel
07:21:50 Schrompf: Moinitor angeschaltet!
09:11:28 Biolunar: Phasor geladen!
09:15:27 Magister joined the channel
13:52:26 Schrompf joined the channel
16:38:41 sx20 joined the channel
18:37:59 xq joined the channel
19:41:57 Schrompf joined the channel
19:45:02 sx20: Olla
19:51:57 Schrompf: n'Abend.
19:52:13 Schrompf: Gibt es aus diesem Kanal besondere Vorkommnisse zu berichten, Herr... äh...
19:59:50 sx20: Sir, Nein, Sir!
20:33:49 Hannes joined the channel